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If you are in pain, don't suffer for weeks without knowing what is going on as this could affect your recovery. BOOK NOW and our osteopaths can give you a clear hands-on diagnosis, effective treatment and advice. The sooner you receive treatment the sooner you can get back to your normal way of life.



Eight out of ten people suffer from BACK PAIN at some point in their lives. It can affect anyone, at any age, and is usually caused by a muscles, ligaments, joints or intervertbral discs.


If you are in pain, don't suffer for weeks without knowing what is going on as this could affect your recovery. Our osteopaths can give you a clear hands-on diagnosis, and provide you with effective treatment and advice. The sooner you receive treatment the sooner you can get back to your normal way of life.




Most people experience lower back pain either centrally or on one side of their back, but may also feel it around the hips and buttocks and occasionally a shooting pain into one or both thighs. The pain is frequently movement related but can be painful at rest affecting the sufferers ability to sit, stand or lie comfortably in bed.




Acute back pain lasts less than 6 weeks and is common with around10% of the population suffering at any given time. Episodes can be sudden or build up over time with pain ranging from mild to severe. Often pain starts without trauma or injury.




Chronic back pain lasts more than 3 months and is less common than acute back pain. However, the pain and distress can have significant impact on day-to-day life. Symptoms can be associated with mental health. Chronic back pain can range from a mild pain or ache, to a more severe pain. This type of back pain usually requires a more structured approach to treatment and long term management. Oxford Osteopaths will work with you, choosing the right treatment and advice for your chronic back pain.



Sciatica is a pain that travels down from your lower back to your leg or foot with tingling or numbness.


It usually happens when the intervertebral discs (strong cartilage that separates vertebrae in the spine), herniate and irritate the sciatic nerve.


However, tight muscles, joints or ligaments can also irritate the nerve. The pain is often a severe shooting pain, sometimes accompanied with pins and needles or numbness.

Physical Therapist

We can help


If you are in pain, don't suffer for weeks without knowing what is going on as this could affect your recovery. BOOK NOW and our osteopaths can give you a clear hands-on diagnosis, effective treatment and advice. The sooner you receive treatment the sooner you can get back to your normal way of life.


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